Search Engine Optimization
This is search engine optimization explained with search engine land imagine. For a minute that you're a librarian but not a normal one you're a librarian for every book in the world people depend on you. Every day to find the exact book they need, how do you do it, you need a system you need to know what's inside every book and how books relate to each other your system needs to take in a lot of information and spit out the best answers for patrons questions. It's not an easy job, search engines like Google and Bing are the librarians of the internet their systems collect information about every page on the web so they can help people find exactly what they're looking for and every search engine has a secret recipe called an algorithm for turning all that information into useful search results. Now, if you own a website search results matter when your pages have higher rankings, they help more people find you the key to higher rankings is making sure your websi